Saturday, October 15, 2011

Portabella Mushroom Pizza Recipe

So it has been a while and not because I have forgotten about the blog, nor lazy and just didn't feel like writing, but rather I'm still trying to get use to my Blackberry and trying to get the pics that I took with my phone on to my comp. Mission acomplished! So now I have I no excuse for not posting, except that I have been so exhausted for the past few days that I have come home and passed out after work. x_x So on with the post....

So the other day I was in the grocery store and they were having a sale on portabella mushrooms... so bought two and was originally planning to make a grilled portabella sandwich, but I was feeling adventurous (that plus balsamic vinegar is expensive...) and decided to find a new recipe. In my quest came across a Portabella Mushroom Pizza recipe and had to try it. I did make some modifications since the original called for mozzarella, but I decided to use Swiss, and I added my own spices to my sauce to make my own flavor. Before I give the recipe I think that I should mention that I am a by taste estimator when I cook. In other words I add seasoning to taste and estimate that amount that I need, so the following measurements are estimates of what I used. But here is the recipe:

(Total Time: 25-30 mins)

2 Whole          Portabella Mushrooms
½ tea               Olive Oil
1 C                  Tomato Sauce
½ tea               Oregano
½ tea               Italian Seasoning
1 C                  Swiss Cheese

Step 1: Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. (Mind blowing right?)
Step 2: Remove the stems and gently clean the mushrooms. Brush lightly with oil and place on a cookie sheet.

Step 3: Place the mushrooms in the oven for about 10 mins.

Step 4: In a bowl add sauce and seasoning to taste. Feel to add any seasoning you heat desires. If you are not a veggie like me, you can also use a meat sauce or add some meant into the sauce. Also if you have a block of cheese, now would be a good time to shred it.

Step 5: Remove the mushrooms from the oven and spoon out the sauce onto the caps. Add the cheese on the top and any other toppings you may want on your pizza.

Step 6: Place the pizzas back in the oven for about 10 more mins or until the cheese starts to turn brown.

Step 7: Eat it! J

Friday, September 23, 2011

Awsome Indoor Waterfall

So this shall be my first official post :) Now this is something that I watch several years ago on TV that has stuck with me. I'm not 100% sure what channel it was, nor the program, but I'm pretty sure it was Planet Green and they were running a special. Basically  the U.S. Department of Energy runs a contest every two years to build a green solar home called the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon, and the results are freaking awesome. There are green innovations up the wazoo, and my fav so far was back in 2007 with University of Maryland's Leaf House.

Now for those of you who know me know that I am a water person. I have BS in Marine Science and Biology, a certified SCUBA diver, and have lived in FL, HI, and Australia. I love listening to the sounds of the ocean, lakes, rivers, and steams. There is just something very tranquil and relaxing about those sounds for me. So the Maryland team innovated a heating and cooling system that incorporated an indoor wall waterfall called the Liquid Desiccant Waterfall.

Now I wont even pretend to know or explain the technical and mechanical details of how this works, but it is a dehumidifier system that help keeps the house cool and non-sticky during the summer. *Grins like a Chester Cat* I want one. How freaking cool would it be to have an indoor waterfall in your house that acts like a dehumidifier, helps cool the house, and runs on solar? I have decided that when I build my first green house, I am hunting down the engineering team and commissioning them to build me one. But hopefully I can get them to run the system not only on solar power but also through wind power, after all not everywhere is sunny for the majority of the.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Welcome to Angie's World of Randomness

If by chance you have come across this blog, I here by welcome you. Now the decision to create a blog has been haunting me for over a year simply because I could not decided what to blog about; and considering that I am one of the most indecisive people in the world, this was a big challenge for me. I have so many interests, thoughts, and beliefs that I don't even know where to begin. My first inclination was to create yet another crafting blog, because I love doing crafts. Yet, I have no time to do such things except around the holidays because I'm poor and make my gifts. Then I though, well I'm really into the green movement and building, so let me start a blog about Green Building, a topic really know nothing about...Then since I'm going back to school and I am into event coordinating I thought that I would blog about that, but I don't actually coordinate events (yet)...I love to travel, but I'm lucky if I can leave the state for more than 48hrs to visit a friend let alone take a week vacation to go some place fun. Love the outdoors, camping, hiking, backpacking, etc, yet none of my friends in the area do, so I almost never go (I know, not a good excuse x_x). However, I do consider myself to be an environmentalist, so I'm all about renewable energy and organizations that invest in our planet's future, and believe that Americans can integrate environmentally friendly practices without sacrificing their way of life. Oh did I mention I am a Vegetarian and love to cook? IN the end I couldn't decide and this is the result.

So this blog will be about integrating and exploring environmentally friendly alternatives and choices into daily life, because if you thought Inconvenient Truth was scary (or a hoax), reality is even worse (but that is for latter postings). So I shall share crafts that I do and discover about cool up-cycling projects and DIY-ing ideas (guess what TV networks I like...) among other things; and since I have always enjoyed learning about new innovative, greener, and cost effective alternatives, there shall be postings about that too. Of course I shall write about awesome and amazing recipes that I find and try out, because I'm a bit tired of people asking me: As a Vegetarian, what do you eat? Me: Everything that is not meat. I am also pretty sure that along the way there will be other random post thrown up here, but that's a given due to my eclectic personality.

Please don't think I am some kind of fanatic tree huger, because I'm really not (OK so I've done it once... maybe twice...lets just stop counting). I don't believe in pushing my beliefs and feelings onto other people and saying that their way of life is wrong. This blog is simply about discovering and sharing more environmentally friendly options and making suggestions. So please, sit back and enjoy the ride. :)