Friday, May 10, 2013

I have returned from the dead

My God, I live. For all those who have actually come to this site multiple times waiting for new updates, I apologize for taking a year and 1/2 to make one. But considering that I have only made, what 3 posts? I don't really think that I have all that much of a following... To be fair, my life has more or less been a mess for the past year and 1/2 and it has finally calmed down a bit and I can breath.... But only for a short while :) At the end of the month, my mother and I will be hiking the Inca Trail. Jealous yet? You should be.

That's right. My mother and I are not only going to Machu Picchu, but we are doing the 4 day hike to get there. So for the past 6 months I have been training to prepare myself for the trail. In Florida. Yeah... all the travel forums suggest that you train hiking mountains and/or doing long walks at higher altitudes... not happening in the state of Florida. The closest we get to hills are on treadmills set to the peak mode. But my mother and I are determined to do the trail, so at the end of the month, we are packing up our stuff and flying out to do a two week tour of Peru including the Amazon, the Sacred Valley, and Lake Titicaca. We decided to go with G Adventures Peru Panorama Tour. They are a bit more expensive than some of the other places we were looking at, but they have a good reputation. But I digress from the original purpose of this post, my Mother's Day gift.

Truth be told, I realized yesterday that Mother's Day is this Sunday, and I panicked for a bit. So I did what I always do when I need inspiration for DIY gifts, I Googled it. Yup, I use Google search for all the conundrums in my life. If Google can't solve my issues, then I consider myself screwed. So I went searching for a Mother's Day gift that wont cost much that my mother will actually use. Tada! Google does it again! Meyer Lemon Sugar Scrub! Supper easy, you can whip up a small jar's worth in about 30 mins, and best of all, cheap to make. Now the only thing you may not have laying around your house is Coconut Oil. Surprisingly enough, I found some at the grocery store, it's not all that cheap, but you can cook with it like olive oil and I plan on using it for more bath related crafts in the future. I also figure that you can sub out the lemon zest for any zest of a citric fruit. I used an orange for mine. So on with the craft!

Citrus Sugar Scrub
If you look closely, you will see that the top is a darker color than the bottom. That's because the top is Orange and the bottom in Lemon.

What you will need (aka what I used):

  • One small jar that holds about 1 Cup
  • A Zester
  • A Small Mixing Bowl
  • A Spoon
  • Rubbing alcohol/olive oil
  • Paper towels
  • 2 Lemons/Limes, or 1 Orange
  • 1 Cup of Granulated Sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons of Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon of Coconut Oil
(Ok, I know the materials seam long, but its really not all that bad.)

Step 1: Prepare the jar. If you are reusing a jar (like I did), you are going to want to get the sticker labels off, which always leave sticker residue. This is where the rubbing alcohol and the olive oil come in handy. Scrubbing the jar with rubbing alcohol got most of the residue off, but not all. To get it all off I coated the jar with a thin layer of oil and scrubbed. Came right off after that. Then wash and dry the jar. Tada! Jar's ready!

Step 2: The tedious part. Zest those lemons/limes. If you want to make half one citrus and another half anther   citrus, just zest one lemon/lime or 1/2 an orange, split the recipe in 1/2, and repeat the recipe for the other half.
I despise zesting... so I distracted myself by watching Love it or List it...

Step 3: Add 1 Cup of Granulated Sugar, 2 Tablespoons of Virgin Olive Oil, 1 Tablespoon of Coconut Oil, and your wonderful freshly made zest to the Small Mixing bowl.
There is Lemon zest in there I swear.

Step 4: Here comes the rocket science now people...Take a big breath, here it comes: Mix everything until all ingredients are blended evenly. Yup, that's it. ;) Rocket science right?

Step 5: Pack inside the prepared jar. At this point in time, if your like me and wanted to do half and half, repeat the recipe using 1/2 the ingredients.
You can see the Orange zest in this one :)

Step 6: You're done. Stick a label on it and wrap that bad boy up. It took me about 1 hr to make one jar, so if you are just doing one type of citrus, it may take you only 30 mins to make, if that. (Depends on how fast you can zest.) Oh yes. One more helpful suggestion when making this. Since it is editable, try not to eat all of it before you can give it as a gift with the excuse of liking it off your fingers...

So that's it for the new post that was  year and 1/2 in the making. Now that I have more time, maybe I will actually have the time to make posts...

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